With hundreds of groups meeting across the globe, daughter’s lives are being transformed. We are seeing the Courageous Girls movement grow exponentially and we need your help!
Want to fuel the CG mission?
We trust that if God provides the funding, we can move forward with our goal of bringing you exciting new resources!
Here are the 5 key projects you can get behind in 2025:
Courageous Girls podcast ($12,000 per year)
Courageous Girls Leader Cohorts! ($3,000 per year)
Edit and redesign the FREE CG curriculum ($45,000 for all 9 years completed)
Print all nine years for purchase ($50,000)
Courageous Girls Staff
Our total goal for 2025:
Help us change the world one daughter at a time!
Courageous Girls is a 501(c)3 non-profit.
Your donations are tax-deductible.
Courageous Girls started with 1 Mom asking 7 other moms to join her.
340 app users
14,000 new girl moms reached
Over 8000 sold copies of Courageous: Girls Being Rooted in Faith
Over 800 CG groups across the world
2012 The first Courageous Girls group began
13 Countries
with CG groups
All 50 States
with CG groups
Thousands of CG curriculum downloads
1000 readers of our monthly newsletters