The Core Value Index™

At Courageous Girls, we love to use the Core Values Index™ (CVI™) to transform your understanding of yourself and your relationships with others.

This is One of Our
Favorite Coaching Tools

CVI Tool My Courageous Girls

The CVI™ is a fantastic tool that uncovers your true self, giving you insight into how you’re uniquely wired: your motivations, communication and conflict styles, and your gifts.

One of the great things about the CVI™ is that it only takes one person to apply the wisdom gained to positively impact any relationship, even if others have never taken the CVI™. Discover what over 500,000 professionals, couples, parents, and families have found: The CVI is the most reliable and effective human assessment available!

Please note, you must complete the free version of the CVI before you will be offered the opportunity to upgrade for your full results.