Summer of Simplicity

The summer of Covid-19: How exciting (tongue-in-cheek)!  Depending where you live, pools are closed, masks are required, and you can’t enjoy summer with full freedom. My mom always says only boring people get bored, and I know I don’t want to be boring. So here are a few tips and suggestions for things to do this summer, just in case you need a few ideas!

  • Make a bucket list of things you want to do this summer. Have a water fight, read 10 books, or have a barbecue with a few friends. Write down your ideas like getting ice cream or a pajama movie day. 

  • Find that book you have always wanted to read. Consider reading it with friends. Some of my favorite series have included: Christy Miller Series by Robin Jones Gunn, and Biblical Fiction by Mesu Andrews. These are must reads for any girl age 12 - 18. Here's a list of books you can try.

  • A clean room helps lower anxiety and stress. Come up with a plan to keep your room clean during the summer and put it into action. Maybe create a chart to help yourself stay accountable.

  • Get off that couch and turn off Netflix. Create an exercise plan to stay in shape over the summer. Whether that means running, a five-minute workout, or climbing the stairs, find a way to stay in shape. Dance to your favorite music or ride a bike. Physical distancing does not mean no physical movement.

  • Give some encouragement to friends and family. Put together a care package for those you care about and either mail it or deliver it in person. Handmade gifts are the best!

  • Masks are the new trend. Make some of your own and add a personal touch to make wearing them less miserable.

  • Plan the trip you have always wanted to go on. It may never happen but if it does, you will be ready. Dreaming it up is always half the fun!

  • Think about the next few months. How does God want to use you and what are some ways you can make that happen? Jot down the whispered messages He gives to you and then be intentional about following through.

  • Are there any funny stories you or your family love to share?  Write them down and share them with a few friends via email, FaceTime, or in person to make them laugh.

  • Look for new recipes that will spice up your life. Try them and explore new flavors. Ask friends for their favorites, too, and mix up your recipe box.

  • Commit to reading three books of the Bible this summer, one per month, and keep your eyes open to see what God wants to show you.

  • Brighten someone’s day. Text an encouraging message to a friend or family member everyday.

  • Learn about God’s creation. Research something that God created and learn all about how amazing He truly is.

  • Inspire others. Write a song reflecting what God thinks of you and post it to share His love with others.

  • Think about your future. Journal hopes and dreams throughout the summer but be open to what God has planned for you.

  • Instead of sharing your life on social media this summer, post inspiring bible verses and quotes each day.

  • What do you want to do for a living? Research jobs that you are interested in and look into degrees you need to get that job. Maybe try a new hobby or habit that could help you explore if this career is interesting enough to keep your attention.

  • Memorize verses. You can never have too much of God's word in your heart. Create signs with wood, paints, coloring crayons, etc. to put up in your room.

  • Chores. They aren’t fun unless you make them fun. Find a way to make doing chores enjoyable or more pleasant this summer. Play music or listen to an audio book while you do them. Time yourself and race to beat your best time.

  • Find a spot where you can connect with God and look back on all He has done in your life so far. Make a memory map of the blessings and miracles He has already provided in your life. 

  • Stay connected. Do a drive by or stop by your friends' houses for a ‘hello’ and enjoy laughing together. 

I know this summer is going to be different but we can make the best of it and share God’s love with each other. Come to know Him better this summer and be thankful for all He has blessed you with. It’s okay to be bored, but let’s not be B-O-R-I-N-G! Here’s to a summer of simplicity. 

By: Adonia Mattson, 13 years old
First Courageous Girl


Interview: Jeff & Nevie Mattson on The Dad Whisperer Podcast, Episode 180


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