It’s so hard to be a girl today.
Courageous Girls redefines how we walk and talk with our daughters.

Our Girls Don’t Face the Same Challenges We Faced
Friends, social media, culture–confusing voices clamor for their attention.
More girls suffer from anxiety and depression than ever before, as they struggle to understand who they are and where they belong.
As a mom, you can feel lost and alone not knowing how to guide your daughter from childhood through adolescence.
Invite Your Daughter to Learn Who She Really Is
Rooted in biblical, clinical, and relational wisdom, Courageous Girls equips small groups of moms and daughters to have intentional conversations at every stage of a daughter’s growing years, from 2nd grade through high school.
A Courageous Girls group is a place where you and your daughter:
Understand your identity is rooted in what God says about you.
Discover your unique purpose and how God equips you for that purpose.
Build trusted and safe relationships.
Experience how God’s truth clarifies all of today’s confusing issues.
Practice healthy communication and conflict resolution.
A Courageous Girls group gives your daughter the confidence she needs as she grows in God’s grace.
A Courageous Girls group gives you the confidence to be the guide your daughter needs.
Courageous Girls Equips You With Everything You Need to Start Your Own Group
Regular training/coaching opportunities
Informative monthly email
Flexible time commitment
Age-appropriate lessons for grades 2-12
FREE faith-informed curriculum
Email templates and lessons
Clear guidance
Start your Courageous Girls group to see lasting growth for you and your daughter!
My daughter has made strong friendships with the girls in her group. It’s incredible to see them dive into God’s word together.
— Katie T, CG Leader
Being a part of Courageous Girls has been one of the single most influential impacts on our family. Much more than a mom-daughter group, the lessons and community have provided a safe environment for my girls and me to grow in every way; spiritually, emotionally, mentally and relationally. We have been able to take our individual pains and learn how to grow and heal, based on God’s design and love for us. All the while, we have grown closer relationships with each other and in community with other moms and daughters. CG is a slow and steady drip that has been worth every single connection.
— Beth, CG Mom
How It Works
Start Your Group
Follow the Lessons
See Your Daughter Flourish
Courageous Girls is a 501c3 and we provide our curriculum, resources, and support at no-cost. Our mission is to equip Moms to raise confident, courageous, grace-filled daughters.
Help us keep the Courageous Girls Curriculum FREE!
Meet The Mattsons
Terra Mattson, MA LMFT, LPC and
Jeff Mattson, MA ORGL
Co-founders of Courageous Girls & Living Wholehearted, LLC